Monitoring Apps: How They Are Useful for Parents and Employers? 



Monitoring apps have been around for quite some time now. These apps are used by different people in different sectors. In fact, the primary users of monitoring apps are said to be parents and employers. It is a never-ending debate between the supporters and critics of monitoring apps. 

There is a class between those who support monitoring apps and those who opposite it. The clash is primarily because of the range of capabilities of monitoring apps and how they are used by parents or employers in the workplace to monitor the activities of others. 

Given the current reputation of monitoring apps in the online community, we come to realize that most users have suspicions for these apps as they believe they encourage spying and stalking which eventually is an illegal activity. However, these apps cannot be termed as illegal when they are used for the right purpose and are not subject to the same laws other legal entities. Parents and employers alike can use the best iPhone monitoring app and Android app to monitor the activities of their kids and employees respectively. 

Why Monitoring Apps Have Become So Popular?

We are an integral part of the digital age where we can connect with everyone from different parts of the world with the help of the internet and a plethora of different social media platforms. The dependence on digital gadgets such as computers, laptops, and smartphones has become so widespread that we can hardly think of stepping outside our home without them. 

No matter where we go, we keep the devices in our hands, intact. Even if you look around, you will be not so surprised to see everyone holding some sort of digital device in their hands. Undoubtedly, technology has made our lives simpler and easier. 

We can send an instant message, an audio/video call, or an email to someone far away from us just with a single tap on our phone screens. We can purchase anything online. We can pay our bills and perform financial transactions without ever going to the banks. We can connect with our long-lost friends and relatives on social media, stream movies on Netflix, play games with our friends, and what not. What’s more, we can also work remotely from our homes especially during an outbreak. 

However, it would be wrong to assume that the smartphone and the digital era has only brought convenience into our lives. Just like the good things, the era of the internet has also made us come across many problems. The digital age has made almost all kids and teens obsessed with their smartphones so much so that they cannot differentiate between what’s good and what’s bad on the internet. They can come across several online dangers in the form of cyberbullying, sexting, pornography, predators, etc. without knowing how to tackle them. 

Similarly, employees working in a company can waste the company’s resources because of all the technological distractions such as internet browsing and social media. Employee monitoring becomes even more challenging with a remote workforce. When there is no employee surveillance, employees can waste time by engaging themselves in useless activities such as chatting with friends and watching movies during office hours. 

The dangerous aspect of zero employee monitoring in the company is the leakage of the company’s sensitive information. A company can face major data theft if it fails to keep an eye on what their employees have been doing behind their back. This is why deploying monitoring apps in the workplace is very important as they can prevent the company from huge data loss. 

How Monitoring Apps Are Useful for Parents and Employers?

Let’s give you a quick introduction to monitoring apps if you still are not sure what they are. A monitoring app is computer software designed to monitor and track the activities of someone for a couple of reasons. 

Two main types of monitoring apps exist in the market: parental monitoring apps and employee monitoring apps. Even though these apps are used for different purposes, most of the features in parental monitoring and employee monitoring apps are just the same. 

Parental monitoring apps are used by parents who are concerned about their kid’s activities on their smartphone as well as on the internet. These apps are mostly used in the capacity of a much more personal relationship. With the help of monitoring apps, parents can keep a track of their kid’s online activities including social media and web browsing history. 

They can also locate their kid’s exact whereabouts once they have installed the monitoring app on their smartphone. If or when your kid happens to be late from school, you can open your online user account on your phone and track your kid’s exact location. That way you can even reach out to your kid if you think they are heading in the wrong direction. 

With monitoring apps, you can prevent your kids from coming across several online dangers including online predators, sexting, cyberbullying, and pornography. You can constantly monitor their online activity including instant messages, emails, phone calls, and text messages, and find out whether they are involved in a dangerous act.  

Let’s move on to employee monitoring apps. Employee monitoring software or apps are installed on company-owned devices or vehicles to track the activities and whereabouts of employees who go out for business meetings with their phones. Employers can also track the amount of time an employee spends on their phone and how much of that time is spent on impractical activities such as using social media platforms, browsing websites, watching movies, and playing games. 

With employee monitoring apps, employers can even monitor the incoming and outgoing emails of their employees to understand what sort of messages they are exchanging and to whom. This can prevent the company from major data leak and protect the company’s sensitive information. 

There is a bunch of parental monitoring and employee monitoring apps available in the market designed for all platforms including Android and iOS. You can get hands on an iPhone spy app or Android spy app depending on your need. However, there is a need to be quite wary while making the right selection because you will be more likely to come across bogus apps out there. Always verify the monitoring app through its official website, its terms and conditions, and the reviews it has garnered from users in the past. 

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