How the Website Ranking Usage Depends on the Backlinks

You can find these types of websites by searching Google for your industry + guest blog, write for us, or guest bloggers.
Go through the list of websites to see if you want to write a guest blog for it. Then contact us to see if it is possible and if there are any guidelines attached to it. Remember, it’s not just about backlinks for rankings, but also for your industry exposure.
Backlinks via guest blogging are good for awareness (branding) and rankings.
Respond to forums and Facebook groups (community building)
The power of this tip is really underestimated. This is a really valuable tip for small or starting websites.
As a bonus tip, we could even advise you to start a new FB group or Forum as soon as you want to focus yourself on a new market. Just think of drones from a few years ago or the electric scooters. As soon as you as an online marketer or website owner want to enter a new market, it may be wise to set up a group yourself and be active. Of course this becomes much more difficult if the market has been around for some time. But new markets are still emerging that are not yet or little known.
What we don’t mean by this tip is to quickly join a forum and post a link to your website the first time. That is not very convenient. That has the opposite effect of what we want to point out. Of course you can do something like that, but it has no long-lasting effect. In addition, your account may be blocked and your link removed. As you buy backlinks you can find all the information.
So that has the opposite effect of the reason for my tip. These communities are precisely the place where you can get your first ‘followers’. There are people who know you and soon your website or product / service. Forums and FB groups are the very places where you can get loyal followers, who in turn make you more known. You can even formulate answers and make lists so well that your ‘thread’ will be pinned to the top of the list, which you can use later to link to your site.
Forum thread with many visitors
With this information in mind, it may be even better to become a member and become known in the community before launching a new website, software, or service.
We have seen this happen several times in online Marketing groups and in hobby groups. Helpful people start their own software or website, and immediately reach 10,000 or more potential visitors, customers or users. And not only that, because you build a community around your product or service that way, these people will also be more likely to promote your product or service.